Author Visits

I provide energetic presentations that bring together my publishing expertise with my years of experience creating children’s programming, teaching outdoor living skills, running leadership and drama training, and leading gardening workshops.

Born Naturalists Presentation

Ideal for PreK to Grade 1, or Grades 1 to 3*

A presentation full of movement, songs, and activities (as well as an interactive reading of Outside, You Notice)

Notice, Wonder, Write Workshop

Ideal for grades 2 and up*

I take students through the process of writing nonfiction that integrates research and sensory observation.

“I Notice” Nature Walk

I invite participants to use all their senses to experience the nature around them, and to make observations that lead to more questions and answers. 

Virtual Author Visits

My Born Naturalists and Notice, Wonder, Write presentations are perfect contenders for a virtual visit. In fact, they started that way when Outside, You Notice was launched in 2021!

*These presentations are optimized for children in preschool through grade three, but they can be adapted for older students.

Download my author visit information package for schools or for libraries.


  • Book up to four sessions per day in one location.
  • Each session is 45-60-minutes, depending on your needs.

In-Person Visits

save $00
save $100
save $200
save $300
Mileage costs of $0.68/km apply for travel of more than 50 km. Relevant taxes apply.

Virtual Visits

Sessions:OneAdditional sessions on the same day
Relevant taxes apply.

Born Naturalists Presentation
Ideal for PreK–Grade 1, or Grades 1–3

Celebrating kids’ ability to learn about nature simply by paying attention with their own senses

This presentation includes:

  • Action-based songs and games that teach information about pollinators, ecosystems, and the life cycle of plants
  • An interactive book reading
  • Opportunities for kids to share what THEY have noticed outside
  • Q&A

Throughout the presentation, I invite students to share their own experiences of spending time outside and noticing interesting things.

Notice, Wonder, Write Workshop
Ideal for grades 2 and up

Writing nonfiction using research, observation, and fact-checking

I begin by taking students through the process of turning Outside, You Notice from an idea into a published book.

Then, using a gradual release of responsibility model, I demonstrate writing a nonfiction paragraph using my own sensory observations and research. Afterward, I invite students to make suggestions for a shared writing activity using the same steps.

Worksheets are available for optional independent writing later.

An interactive book reading is included, if desired.

“I Notice” Nature Walk

Beginning with a reading of Outside, You Notice, I prime participants to use their senses during an ensuing nature walk.

Depending on the makeup of the group, the nature walk itself can include:

  • The “Magic Frisbee” game, in which participants take turns throwing a frisbee with the power to “always land on something amazing.” My responsibility is to use my extensive reserves of nature facts to share a fact about whatever it lands on, from insects to ferns to a gravel path.
  • Games in which participants use their whole bodies to engage with the environment like a squirrel, deer, insect, etc. 
  • Participants taking turns to point out something interesting they notice, which I may elaborate on with further information
  • Tips on plant identification
  • A guided mindfulness experience in which I prompt participants to focus on each sense in turn

Book An Author Visit

Which presentation(s) are you interested in?(required)

What to Include:

Let me know your group’s age range and numbers, which presentation(s) you’re interested in, the date range you are looking at, and any other relevant information about the context of the presentation, for example a specific event or unit of study it will be associated with.

In-Person Visits

$300 for one 45-60-minute session, $500 for two, $700 for three, $900 for a full day in one location (four sessions).*

Mileage costs of $0.68/km apply for travel of more than 50 km

Virtual Visits

$200 for one 45-60-minute session. $175 for each additional visit the same day.*

* Relevant taxes apply

Thank you for your testimonials!


We had such a wonderful time welcoming Erin to our Library! Our virtual visit was a perfect combination of activities: information, games, a song, a craft, some talk about what it’s like to be a writer, and of course a chance to hear Erin read Outside, You Notice. Erin is so engaging and passionate about teaching, and does a wonderful job of engaging a broad audience. I can’t wait to have her back again!

Thank you so much for this valuable opportunity.


We spent the previous two weeks building up to Erin’s visit and have continued on with other books about nature and mindfulness. The teachers loved all the resources and ideas that Erin sent for me to pass on. Before her visit, I was able to introduce the copies of her book I had purchased so the kids would be ready to enjoy her visit. We also found her blog and interesting information on her and her interests/passions. This really helps the students understand that authors are real people and they should all see themselves as authors.


Our school promotes outdoor learning and Erin Alladin’s workshop on the nature theme really connect to what we have been doing at school. Students learned about arts and science. Students and teachers loved the outdoor pre-workshop activities and the movements and songs during the workshop. We had a lot of fun while learning.


We had a wonderful, fun, interactive presentation with Erin Alladin yesterday. Erin inspired the students’ curiosity with facts woven between her delightful poetic story, an interactive song, movement exercise, a quiz and a meaningful, connective question and answer time. Her book is perfect for this level to think about their own curiosity and fact-finding missions during their explorations about the plant and animal ecosystems surrounding them.

We are delighted that we could spend such an uplifting time with Erin!


We invited Erin Alladin to present a reading of Outside, You Notice! We celebrated all the kinds of “outside” with Erin! We took a close look at each page of Erin’s book and made inquiries on the interesting facts! The children were thrilled to learn facts about seeds, pollinators, rain, dirt, and even the fact that eating a huge amount of carrots can turn your skin orange! Erin included songs, rhymes, and games into the virtual program to keep the children moving and engaged!

We look forward to having Erin join our programs again in the future!


We, at École Frank Ross Elementary in Dawson Creek, British Columbia, were very privileged to participate in a Zoom ‘Meet The Author’ presentation with Erin Alladin. She shared her book, Outside, You Notice, to an excited but fully engaged audience of 40 children in grades 2–4. Erin elicited a genuine sense of curiosity from the children in her songs, personal stories and through the reading of her book. We had technical difficulties, which were eventually semi remedied, but Erin did not ‘skip a beat’ as she involved the children immediately upon the Zoom beginning. The students were very appreciative and, as I write the day after, I have interacted with many of the participants who sought me out and asked questions or told me something related to the presentation.

Thank you so much for this valuable opportunity.


For public readings and school visits.

Create a website or blog at