Show up with your uncertainties. Leave with confidence.

Writing can be incredibly isolating, especially when you feel like you’re just guessing about what the market wants. Sometimes, talking through your ideas with someone knowledgeable can be the difference between weeks of frustrated effort and a career-changing breakthrough.

Putting my experience to work for you

As someone who spent years reading mountains of submissions for a publisher, I had to learn how to quickly identify what ingredients made for a book we could really sell. Often, manuscripts came to me with only half those ingredients in place. So, I learned to help authors uncover the missing pieces that would take their work from “What a nicely written book” to “This is what the market has been waiting for!”

Let’s Build Your Strategy Together

Looking for advice to execute your great idea right the first time?

Keep reading.

Do you wish you had someone to call when the writing gets tough?

Jump to Scribble Support.

“My first editorial experience with Erin was when she told me a story had potential, but urged me to try changing the point of view. Doing so transformed the story, and gave me confidence in Erin as a sensitive and thoughtful reader.”

—Laura Alary, Sun in my Tummy

The one conversation that could save you weeks—or months—of work

What’s better than getting good advice after you’ve shared your manuscript? Getting it before you finish writing—or even before you start!

Imagine being able to call up an industry professional and get answers to your burning questions—and to the questions you didn’t even know to ask. You’d be freed from so much anxiety about the best way to approach your project, whether you’re interested in traditional or self-publishing.

That’s why I offer one-on-one calls where we work through your biggest questions about a book idea, a manuscript in progress, your query letter, or publishing in general.

Ongoing Support

Writing is hard. It’s lonely. And so much depends on your own state of mind.

Sometimes you just need someone you can trust to talk you through your worst slumps—someone who’s compassionate enough to remind you that you can do this, and knowledgeable enough that you’ll actually believe them.

I’m an author myself as well as an editor, and I know the struggle well. We can count on our loved ones to be encouraging, but in our hearts, we know they don’t have the expertise to back up their praise. On the other hand, we can buy fifteen minutes with an agent or editor at a conference…but then we need to thicken our skins in case their judgment is harsh. What we really need is the best of both worlds! That’s why I created Scribble Support.

Scribble Support

This service is for writers who want someone to act as emotional support, sounding board, and perspective-giver through the writing or revising process.

Book a 45-minute call to talk about:
• A knotty writing problem you need help reframing
• Identifying and remembering your own strengths
• Creative motivation—and lack thereof
• The mortifying agony of self-doubt
• Surviving rejection notices
• And more*

Your initial 15-minute call is free.

*Remember that, as much as I’d like to call this “author therapy,” this service is not a substitute for real therapy with a qualified provider!

Pricing for ongoing Scribble Support

(45 min)

save $00
save $30
save $75
save $200
Book one 45-minute session, or bundle and save

Want me to read your work-in-progress before we start? Request a quote now for a reading fee based on your word count. And remember, your first Scribble Support session is free with a SubstantivePlus or Premium Substantive package.

“Gentle and considerate communication style: you are direct, but thoughtful in the way you speak to others. This makes you a good listener, and also a great person to get feedback from as you come from a place of non-judgement and give solid advice.”


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